

(The letters of Julia Roberts


to the local community


first appeared in a fashion


similar to this in The Daily


News; Tarrytown, N.Y.; a


Gannett Co. newspaper.)







4 JULY 1976


   Julia's letter written


at the time of the Bi-


centennial says, in


part: "I thought I'd


be the only one who


cared, but everyone


was well aware of it.


'Bicentenaire' was all


I heard all day long.


Newspapers were full


of it, as were the mag-


azines. Television had


a Bicentennial special,


and it was mentioned


in every news report.



  "One channel on TV


signed off with 'My


Country, 'Tis of Thee.'


I sang along under


my breath, and the


family asked me to


teach them the words.


It was a great finish to


the Fourth of July,


with all six of us sing-


ing 'My Country, 'Tis


of Thee' together.



   "The town of


Autrey-les-Gray had


motorcycle (motors')


races and a picnic for


the 'Bicentenaire


Americain.' I baked


a cake for the picnic. I


tried to decorate it as


an American flag, but


messed it up. So I


decided to just make


some stripes: one red,


one white, and one


blue. That, of course,


turned out to be the


French flag! They


loved it!"



   In another letter, she


wrote: "The Experi-


ment (in International


Living) has given me a


better understanding


of the French than a


library of textbooks


(and years of study).




   "All the people I've


met are gorgeous. Liv-


ing in a small village,


everybody in Autrey


knows everyone else;


and almost everyone


knows me.




   "When I am in the


street talking to peo-


ple, I do sense the


stone walls nearby;


our street setting in-


cluding views of all


the houses with red


tile roofs, ivy, and


arches. Everyone I


meet is interested in


the United States and


in Americans.



   "Immediately, I


loved the people and


the ancient surround-


ings. People are wil-


ling to help, and they


do so incessantly: any-


thing from helping


an old woman carry


something; or just


supplying company,


or a sympathetic ear;


to helping a sick man


finish his harvests on






   "Actually, in the past


four weeks, I have


learned more French


than I had so far in


three years at school;


granted, one supple-


ments the other. Not


only have I learned to


speak French--I have


learned to live








(BACK TO C. OF '77)

